Monday, April 21, 2008

So Mrs. Zero picked up a new reel for my bday a month back. She knew I was looking into Avets and chose the JX 6.0. So I spooled it up with 25 lb test and started casting away at Anglins. was backlash galore. I swear I felt like a 100 year old man learning how to drive stick. Every matter how much thumbage I applied, I would backlash a nice sexy birds nest.

After a little bit of research on the interweb, I found out that many others were experiencing the same frustrations and were resorting to magging the reel. "WTF is that?" Some of you may know this already, but when your reel spool is within a magnetic field an opposing magnetic field may be induced to counteract the field of the stationary magnet. It basically just slows down the reel to prevent backlash. You can adjust your magnetic strength by placing larger or more magnets.

If you plan on magging a reel, they say you need to use Neodymium Iron Boron Rare Earth Magnets for it to be effective. You can buy them at

Here's a quick summary of what I did. It's not rocket surgery and you can find all sorts of articles on magging reels on the web. However, before making things "permanent" by using epoxy, I recommend you first use Elmer's Glue to check for clearance and desired amount of magging. Once you find a configuration that works for you, then go with the epoxy.

1. Unscrew 3 screws on handle side of reel.
2. With a cotton swab and alcohol, cleanse the area you are about to attach the magnets to.
3. I used 2 stainless steel washers as a backing and epoxied them to the side wall. You can pick up an easy to use 2 part epoxy from Home Depot for $3.
4. Since I suck at casting in general, I used 3 3/8" magnets. I can change this later once I become more acclimated with the reel. When applying more than two magnets, you need to alternate polarities which is indicated by the black circle on the magnet.
5. Apply some grease to the washers and magnets to prevent corrosion.
6. Reassemble reel.
7. Start Casting.

Magging the reel made a remarkable difference, however, I still have some tweaking to do. I just wanted to get this post out there before I forget about everything I did.

Here are a few images to help depict what I did. If anybody else has any recommendations regarding magging, please feel free to add on; this definitely was my first attempt.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Superman dat azz.

It has been quite some time since I have blogged about life has been littered with traveling, work, fishing, and other random crap.

Guitar Hero and Rock Band activity has been slow and somewhat limited to drunken gatherings at our new place. I'll probably play this weekend for our EliteXC MMA get together and I'm sure my performance will be far less than mediocre.

Fishing...ah fishing. Florida has been hit with some great cold fronts yielding perfect days of south east winds greater than 15mph. Such conditions resulted in excellent catches of Pompano and Mackerel. However, in just a few weeks a team of hard cores will be hitting the Dry area 70 miles west of Key West that doesn't have the fishing congestion and annoyances that plague South Florida. It'll be a 3 day expedition for red snapper, muttons, grouper, kingfish, cobia, and yellowtail. Here's a quick glimpse of my friend's previous trip...I sure hope to have a similar trip.

Training. So I took a few months off from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and concentrated on Muay Thai. It's something I like to do every now and then to overcome plateaus in training and somehow generate a yearn to get back into BJJ. So my first day back in BJJ I felt great...and comfortably tapped out my first 4 partners. Then I ran into a slight 155 pound roadblock. Yeah, 155 pounds doesn't sound like much, even with a 20+ weight advantage on my side, but it was Cole Miller...the 6'-1" semi-finalist in last season's TUF (The Ultimate Fighter) on Spike TV. His combination of lengthy appendages, perfect technique, and retard strength is what propelled him into dominating my butt on the mat for a grueling 5 minutes. After unexpectedly getting choked out for the 3rd time in the round, i ask "What do you call that move?"...he replied, "I dont know, but it was a baddass choke." Funny guy.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Growing a gut

Happy New Year to all...

For 2008 I have compiled a list of goals...some I wouldnt mind sharing with you guys:

1. Participate in a 5k race every 2 months.

2. Throw more money into the NYSE...but not sure now judging by the market's performance today.

3. No fast food.

4. No pop. Who the heck says "soda"?

5. Beat all songs in Rock Band. Damn this game is awesome. Try the drums, I dare you, for you will be hooked like a big tuna.

6. Buy a new novel at the local bookstore at least once every 3 months. Maybe even read it, too.


This is a must see video of Fedor vs. Hong Man Choi. Fedor, the #1 heavy weight fighter in MMA fights this fuggin' giant.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Boob-ya ran dumb stuff

Holy shiznit, Metamucil really works! Try it for a couple of days. Dew it.

Can you name artist who sings "My Biznitch is the Shiznit"...without searching the net?

Just ate a double quarter pounder, big mac, fries, and cokey from migga deeze. This meal plus Metamucil is gonna be awesome!

Songs of Greatness I just purchased via iTunes:
Damn It Feels Good to Be A Gangster - Geto Boys
Boyz-N The Hood - Dynamite Hack
Canzoni stonate - Andrea Bocelli & Stevie Wonder